Pattaya Expats Club Meeting of May 21, 2005
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E NEWSLETTER 25 May 2005
Dear Pattaya Expats Club Members & Friends
SATURDAYS at 1100 A.M. PATTAYA EXPATS CLUB PresentsSATURDAY LUNCHTIME KEYNOTE SPEAKERS & CONVERSATION for 28 May 2005.For all Pattaya’s Expats, come and join us at our new venue at THE GRAND SOLE HOTEL, Second Road, Pattaya. (Mid-way between Central Road and North Road, on the right hand side, going towards the Dolphin roundabout.
On Friday 27 May 2005, a bus is departing from the Grand Sole Hotel at 07.30 am. In the morning to the grand OTOP (One Tambon One Product) exhibition in Bangkok. The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) is inviting 40 members of Pattaya Expats Club to go on this free trip. There will be around 2,400 booths exhibiting products from 63 provinces; this is a great chance to find products for export to your country, and as such start a small business, but also a chance to have a great day out. There will be musical performances, the best food from the regions, and prizes from contests. We will go back to Pattaya in the afternoon. Please contact President Niels Colov (0-1815-4580) if you would like to go, you can bring spouse, family and friends along.
You can win big prizes at the Charity Bingo on Sunday 5 June at 18.00 pm. at the Grand Sole Hotel. Barter Card give a grand prize worth 40,000 baht (in just one bingo game) but also 29" TV, full DVD stereo, refrigerator, microwave oven, washing machine and other electric equipment and prizes. In between the bingo games we will have FREE lucky draws. It is going to be a real fun evening for the whole family. Bring friends along. Tickets are 200 baht that includes a nice dinner buffet and the first bingo game. Subsequent bingo games are between 50 and 200 baht. Information: 0-1815-4580.
On Sunday 29 May 2005 from 08.00 am To 02.00 pm. at PS Bowl in Sriracha (Robinson), 4th floor Pacific Park, a Charity Bowling tournament is taking place. If you would like to play bowls please call 0-1815-4580.
On Saturday 2 July 2005 at 11.00 am. The Pattaya Expats Club weekly meeting will be in this theme to honour the American Independence Day. Many interesting activities will take place but you will not miss the popular Open Forum and all the other valuable information of our regular weekly Saturday meeting.
GUEST SPEAKERS LINE UP 14 May 2005. Supplied by Richard Ravensdale
Guest Speakers for 28 May 2005 Club Meeting
Hi to club members, and to say I have returned to Thailand and right back into the task Denis Laurin has managed so well in the last three months – of ‘Club Meeting Manager’. The idea is to keep you happy by having all the elements of the weekly ‘show’ run well and to give Brian, our unique MC, some ‘stage management’ support so he knows what guests are coming up on his running order. The pre-meeting ‘set-up’ period is the busiest time setting up both inside and outside the meeting room, plus liaising with catering and engineering staff. So general queries are best if possible at the end of the meeting – when Brian and I will stay till last to field any member’s questions. Please also do contact me anytime to help fill up our guest speakers’ programme. My (new) mobile number is 04-135 7010.
This weeks ‘show’ includes as our main speaker Dr Karl J Neeser who is an anti-aging research scientist. His talk is entitled “The Anti-Aging Revolution – Longer Life or Better Life”. So if you have been living the good life here for a while and feel you have been prematurely aging with too much sun, or heat or too many late nights then this is the chance to find out how to look a bit younger. Our second speaker hopefully will be the Thai taxi driver/philosopher, Khun Sombat who is very entertaining on the ‘cultural interface’ between foreigners and Thai’s. He is also a partner I am told, with past club speaker James Lane, in an expats psychological counselling service here.
Our MC Brian Maxey will also have many short feature items and news for you plus his open mic forum for your questions. I have a little news item to discuss with you - an offer made to us since last weeks meeting, for a PEC Members Clubhouse…located near the Wong Amat beach. If adopted by our Board we’d like to start up there amongst other things like an all week advice service, a new free service – a club member’s lending library for books and video/VCD feature films. So please bring in to the Saturday meetings any unwanted books or video collections to donate to this project. See you Saturday at Grand Sole at 11.30. - Richard
eye opening review of the troubles in the South, how it evolved to international terrorism and why venues in Pattaya might be future targets, a snuffling dog detecting a dangerous substance in the room, discounts for members who get hospitalized and an invitation for a high profile event; it was all there at this week’s Saturday Meeting.
With doctor Somchai, who enlightened the attendants of the German meeting about the Super Sight Surgery, still in the house to answer questions, when the international Saturday Meeting of the Pattaya Expats Club started. MC Brian welcomed everybody in a yet again packed meeting room of the Grand Sole Hotel and explained the newcomers what this meeting is all about, in case they had not already read the weekly Expats Information Bulletin they found on their table. Then he paid attention to upcoming events and made us aware of the fact that you don’t have to wait till the end of the show to consult the people offering services outside the meeting room, like Peter Meuleman at the helpdesk of the Immigration Police, the real estate experts, the ladies at the Club Shop or the sponsors who have quality products or services in store.
Announced as an explosive topic, the main guest speakers of European Safety Concepts (ESC), really did rock the crowd with a fascinating presentation about terrorism. First Lenny Holden told us all there is to know about terrorist operations. What is terrorism, what do terrorists want to achieve, what is their profile and their agenda. With a visual presentation, featuring story telling pictures, he told us that terrorists often recruit poor and homeless people who think they can become heroes; they act in small well disciplined groups, plan their actions accurately and closely observe their targets. These days’ hotels and entertainment venues are topping their list, as they aim for immediate and massive media attention to spread fear. We were told about the methods they use, varying from drive by shootings and kidnapping to car and suicide bombings. Lenny then focused on the troubles in the South of Thailand (Songkhla, Pattani). He took us on a ride in time, even way back before World War 2, to explain the origin of the problems and how the violence developed throughout the years. Six million Muslims live in this region and poverty, perceived injustice and oppression, caused separatism, which later got mixed with Islamic extremism. We learned about the international involvement, like Indonesia’s JI who provide funds and training as they want to create a Super Islamic State, while Usama Bin Laden is energizing about all extreme Islamic movements, starting in 1990, just when the Thai government seemed to have the problems under control. When in 2003 an influential JI-leader was captured, it was revealed that they were planning attacks outside the region, like on the Nana Plaza in Bangkok (only few members seemed to have heard of that place), but also Phuket and Pattaya were potential targets. After 5 bombings and 9 casualties during the period of 1980-2000, the level of violence has increased dramatically ever since. Lenny told us how the Thai government has responded, but is afraid that they only made things worse, reaching a low when killing 108 Muslims in April last year. But after that incident the government did finally admit that terrorism in Thailand does exist, so they step up the security now, and do understand that the release of white paper birds is not sufficient enough.
After that colleague Tom Coghlan took stage, the canine specialist. He told us about Explosive Detective Dogs, which he handles and trains himself. After a course of 16 weeks the animals are able to detect the wide variety of explosives that terrorists use. To prove how good he is at it, he brought a dog with him to find a small bag of nitrate somewhere in the room. The dog ignored anything in his fanatical search until it sat down next to a woman. The substance was hidden underneath her seat, but the lady was not arrested. There were many questions and some people wondered if they now should leave Fun City. The speakers made clear that this is the wrong reaction, but people must be vigilant and aware of the threat. Though security companies like ECS can keep danger away from the estate they protect, because terrorists want to be successful, they therefore not disappear. The techniques used for today’s attacks suggest that the Thai terrorists have international support. The good news is that this might mean we will see less attacks, but the bad news is that the attacks will probably have more of an impact and most likely target venues outside of the troubled area.
Time for Meeting Manager Denis Laurin to present the total amount of last month donated tips (1.600 baht) to the Food and Beverage Manager of the Grand Sole Hotel, showing the appreciation of the good work he and his staff does.
Host Brian then informed us about the discounts club members can claim while they are treated in the Bangkok-Pattaya Hospital. There’s 10% on the room rate and 10% on most of the medication. They also offer 2 free health test packages. The hospital has a discount system of its own. The cost of such a discount card varies from 1.500 baht to 35.000 baht. The latter will save you up to 50% on room rates and 40% on medication. If you use the services of Club Sponsor Farang Aid & Support Team (F.A.S.T), they will make sure the hospital will practice these discounts.
After that Vice President Richard Ravensdale, who from next week will replace Dennis as Meeting Manager as he is going to take care of some medical problems (thank you Dennis for doing a great job) showed Pattaya Expats Club patches, made in Katmandu, people could collect.
Club President Niels Colov then announced that the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) has invited the Pattaya Expats Club to visit the OTOP Grand Sale event on May 27 in the Impac Arena, Muang Thon Thani, Bangkok, where Thai handicraft will be displayed in 2,400 booths. There’s also good food and a nice show. A bus will leave from the Grand Sole Hotel; only 40 members can join.
Niels then reminded us of the big family event the Pattaya Expats Club organizes on June 5, at 18.00 in the Grand Sole Hotel; a charity Bingo to raise funds for a server for the Pattaya Immigration Police. The first prize, 40 days and 40 nights on Barter Card, is worth 40.000 baht and offers many free dinners, beauty treatments, flowers, carting, body building, bungee jumping, mini golf, games of pool, Thai lessons and much more. A lot of other valuable prizes (like TV’s, micro wave ovens, and videos) are up for grabs as well. Tickets cost 200 baht only and include a buffet dinner, the first Bingo game and chances to win at the Lucky Draw. Next games cost 50 to 200 baht, depending on the value of the prizes.
The Weekly Free Lucky Draw had a lot of winners again. If they go on like this it is going to be more effective to draw who doesn’t get a prize. Today members could win another dinner for 2 at Jameson’s, the Irish Pub near the Grand Sole hotel, 4 times a “buy 1 get one free” voucher for big fresh sandwiches at Subway (ground floor Carrefour) and the Bangkok Pattaya Hospital offered a handful of beautiful ceramics and jugs.
During the Open Microphone Forum expats helped expats as always. Themes were: local Internet Service Providers, a missing expat, the acceptable level of your electricity and water bill, forum like websites (also possible via, a website to spoil money on horse race bets and showing passports when buying a SIM-card. Last week’s warning not to refill plastic bottles and keep on using them, because it could be life threatening, was withdrawn as it appeared to be a hoax. If you now have doubts about this statement, convince yourself at Time ran out again, so no details about the upcoming National Day of Argentina on May 25. People then joined the action outside the room and met the spouses who had their own get together, where they learned how to use flowers for a presentation. Flower Power instead of terrorist attacks, man, that would be it!
Peter Visser, PR Coordinator for Pattaya Expats Club
Hi, I'm Brian Maxey (
21 May meeting - 'BUSY AGAIN'! - So much so that again we didn't get it all done. Great fun though - folks do seem to enjoy themselves!
We were competing for time today with a superb presentation by two experts on 'Terrorism - it affects you'! Lenny took us through the escalating problems in the 'south', pointing out international effects and connections. Tom brought a dog + handler to demonstrate the dog's 'searching' ability. The dog 'found' a planted test-piece under a chair, and Tom added that touch of humour to relieve the tension by explaining the dog was trained NOT to 'Retrieve'.
Richard Ravensdale returned to us today to take over his 'old' role of "Meeting Manager", after an absence of some months. Denis Laurin, who stood in splendidly for Richard, leaves us for a while to attend to some medical matters. We wish him all the best, and look forward to his speedy return.
Denis took over Richard's function on the very first day at the Grand Sole, back in those days when we didn't have much idea what would happen next. Through his individual style he has shaped a winning format that fits our venue well, with many excellent 'Speakers', as well as arranging numerous 'Freebies' for our very popular Draw.
I know Richard is up to the challenge, and we look forward to presenting his program to you from next week.
Open forum questions & information arising from Saturday:
Khun Ponthep (PEC Lawyer) contact 014234255, office 038300967
A 'Guest' told us of websites that allow 'gambling on line'. These sites are blocked locally due to the laws of Thailand, but are available elsewhere. He made the point that the 'stock market' has lost some of it's shine recently, and you might choose this as a replacement. The websites are: & He plans to return to the UK soon to supplement his meagre bank-account interest. If you want to hear of his success to date, call him locally on 05832650 (Nitzan Leon).
Wayne Parkin (USA) is trying to contact a Brit - Jim Shand - if you know him please email me (Brian)
We didn't get around to the Country special days at the meeting, so I will mention them here:
Jordan - Independence Day, 25 May (1946) (Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan)
Since Jordan gained independence from British administration in 1946, it has been ruled by King HUSSEIN (1953-99), and King ABDALLAH II (1999-now). Jordan acceded to the WTO in 2000, and began to participate in the European Free Trade Association in 2001.
Location: Middle East, northwest of Saudi Arabia
Area - comparative: slightly smaller than Indiana
Land border countries: Iraq, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Syria, West Bank
Life expectancy at birth: total population: 78.24 years
Capital: Amman
Guyana - Independence: 26 May 1966 (from UK)
Originally a Dutch colony, by 1815 Guyana had become a British possession. In 1992, Cheddi JAGAN was elected president, in what is considered the country's first free and fair election since independence in 1966.
Location: Northern South America, bordering the North Atlantic Ocean
Area - comparative: slightly smaller than Idaho
Land border countries: Brazil, Suriname, Venezuela
Life expectancy at birth: total population: 65.5 years
Capital: Georgetown
South Africa - Independence: 31 May 1910 (from UK); (South Africa became a republic in 1961)
After the British seized the Cape of Good Hope area in 1806, many of the Dutch settlers (the Boers) trekked north to found their own republics. The discovery of diamonds (1867) and gold (1886) spurred wealth and immigration and intensified the subjugation of the native inhabitants. The Boers resisted British encroachments, but were defeated in the Boer War (1899-1902). The Union of South Africa operated under a policy of apartheid - the separate development of the races. The 1990s brought an end to apartheid politically and ushered in black majority rule.
Location: Southern Africa, at the southern tip of the continent of Africa
Area - comparative: slightly less than twice the size of Texas
Land border countries: Botswana, Lesotho, Mozambique, Namibia, Swaziland, Zimbabwe
Life expectancy at birth: total population: 43.27 years
Capital: Pretoria
Our 'Member's Discounts' organiser (Paul) has a list of participating outlets available at the meeting, at the 'membership' table.
Emails this week: A request that the 'Ladies Group' be suspended so as to not let them conspire against us, as we do inside the room.
Emails this week: Information regarding actual 'Utility Costs' in Thailand: Electricity costs 2.87 baht/unit (Kw/Hr) + fixed meter charge + 7% VAT = around 3.07b per unit. Water: 7.75 baht/1000ltr + 30b meter/service + 7% VAT = around 11.8b per unit. Sophon Cable TV: 3600b/yr or 350b/mth.
(my monthly bills average Water = 100b, Electricity = 600b. Brian)
PEC now produces the NEWS bulletins on "One-O-Eight Talk FM". This new radio station plays a mix of Thai & Occidental popular music - including a lot of 'golden oldies'. You may request a 'track' by calling the station 038426204. Regular News & Tourist Information, as well as PEC promotions. Tune to 108 Megahertz on the FM Band (it's right up at the top end) - reception is excellent in the Pattaya area.
It looks promising for the Email Newsletter. Pete Mills (our Webmaster) reports that the new delivery provider is doing its job. You will need to do a 'double acceptance' to complete the process. If you request the newsletter, you will get an email asking you to 'confirm your acceptance', then you should start receiving it. SO, go to the website and request it. If you inadvertently request it more than once to different addresses - respond to ONLY ONE confirmation. You can also safely cancel your newsletter at any time by following the instructions at the end of the weekly email.
The PEC shop opened this week, at the meeting each Saturday. We have a range of 'Polo Shirts' (various sizes), 'T-shirts', 'Base Ball Caps' (adjustable). Red & Dark Blue.
CANADA DAY 2005 is officially celebrated on July 1st each year, but the annual Canada Day picnic at the Royal Orchid Sheraton Hotel Bangkok on Sunday June 26th, 2005. The event marks the 138th birthday of Canada and the 16th year the Canadian national day celebration has been held in Bangkok. Ticket price includes entry to the event, dinner, and entry in the door and Grand Prize draws. Ticket prices: Adults 1000 baht, Children (5-12) 500 baht, Children 4 and under free. Doors open 13:00 (1:00pm), Dinner 17:30 (5:30pm). Contact the Thai-Canadian Chamber of Commerce, 139 Pan Road, Sethiwan Tower, 9th Floor, Tel: 02-266-6085-6, email at or book on-line at
We still don't know of an English language driving school in the Pattaya area - can you help?
Charity Bingo, Sunday 5 June, 1800. Tickets 200 baht includes Buffet & 1st bingo game. Grand Sole Hotel, Pattaya Expats Club Meeting Room. Bingo cards priced from 50 - 200 baht depending on prizes offered.
Please retain the large part of your Saturday Meeting entry ticket as your proof of purchase & verification for the Lucky Draw Winner to claim the prize (you'll need to show your membership card too).
There is a choice of food style at the Saturday Meeting buffet. Western or Thai - it's just a question of preference. Same price!
Vegetarian options & Decaffeinated Coffee are not possible from the Buffet Table, although they do provide 'low-fat' & 'low-calorie' sweetener. Hot water is available for your own sachets of choice.
If you would like to offer your services, and 'volunteer' to assist our Club in any way you choose, please contact Richard our 'Meeting Manager' (
If you would like to "Guest MC" - simply a 'one-off', or more if you wish, email me. Two members have already offered - the more the merrier!
Check out our website for tips to cut your phone costs -
This Newsletter is always available on our website, and separately on our 'BLOG' site.
The Club's 'Chat Forum' link is: you will need to set up a username the first time you visit, but the forum is an excellent place to 'talk' to people worldwide about anything you want to know - try it.
Really useful websites that I use to gather much of the info & answers:
Thailand Immigration website:- (For Email -
Pattaya Immigration website:-
90 day address confirmation:-
T.M.47 form for an extension:-
Phuket Provincial Employment Office - for Work-Permit advice:-
Pattaya People
MedExPlan FAQs -
Domestic animal help -
(Please note the German Language group have now moved to a new time - 10:00 on the 1st & 3rd Saturdays of the month - e.g. 4th June, 18th June, 2nd July, and 16th July)
If you attend the German Language group, you are welcome to stay for the International event. Your entry ticket covers both events.
There is NO SMOKING anywhere in the Auditorium. There are two balconies available for smoking, private conversations, and telephone calls.
We always have to cut short the Q&A no matter how early we start. Come and join in, its great fun!
Keep the emails coming, tell us what you think of our club & its many aspects, in its new venue. Tell us what you like, tell us what you think is missing, tell us anything you want - always happy to know someone's listening.
Why not join us next Saturday 11:00am (1130 program start) at the Grand Solé Hotel, 2nd Road (north) (between Tops & Big C supermarkets) - introduce a friend. 'Free parking'. Bring pen & paper.
MC, Brian. (
The Pattaya Expats Club is honoured to have the following
General Chatchai Tammaraksah, Personal General to His Majesty the King
Khunying Tidarat Tammaraksah, Assistant to Her Majesty the Queen
Khun Niran Wattanasasatorn, Mayor of Pattaya City
Khun Chanyut Hengtrakool, Member of Parliament
Pol. Col. Somnuk Changate, Superintendent of Pattaya Police Station
Pol. Col. Ittipol Ittironnachai, Superintendent of Pattaya Immigration Police.
Khun Sansak Ngampiches, Owner of Grand Sole Hotel and senior politician in Pattaya
Khun Revat Phonlookin, Vice-Chairman of Chonburi Provincial Council
Khun Sanga Kitsamrej, Owner of the SK Group of companies and President of UPE
Khun Surat Mekavarakul, Owner of Mike business group
Khun Paisan Bundityanon, Owner of Rabbit Resort Pattaya
Khun Somchai Manothavorn, Advisor to the Mayor of Pattaya
Khun Sopin Theppajug, Owner of Diana Group of companies
Dr. Prasan Stianrapapongs, Specialist in Preventative Medicine at Bangkok Pattaya Hospital
Kru Yodthong Senanan, Most respected teacher of Thai Boxing
Khun Porramate Inthornchumnom, Prosecutor at Pattaya Court
Khun Suttikorn Jearpaitoon, Owner of Alangkarn Pattaya
Khun Chattan Kunjara Na Ayudhya, Director, Tourist Authority of Thailand (Pattaya Office)
Club President & CEO, Niels Colov
Club Founder & Web-Master, Pete Mills.
Honorary Co-Founder, Preben Hansen
Club Vice Presidents, Pete Mills & Richard Ravensdale
Club Secretary (Memberships & Speakers), Denis Laurin
Board Secretary & Newsletter Editor, Bernard Leach
Joint Club Treasurers, Michael Mayne & Paul Sinclair.
Club Board Members –Roger Carino, Herman van Gucht, William Hurndell, Colin de Jong, Brian Maxey, Peter B. Piedferme, Khun Ponthep Werachon, and Khun Laddawan Yingyong.
F. Moret, M. Withers
Mon-30-May-05 UK Public Holiday
Mon-30-May-05 USA Memorial Day
Mon-30-May-05 Earliest sunrise in Pattaya 0549 (Latest time for sunrise in Pattaya 24 January)
Sixteenth annual Canada Day picnic to be held at the Royal Orchid Sheraton Hotel on June 26th, 2005Bangkok, May 16th, 2005 – The Canada Day Committee recently announced that the annual Canada Day picnic will be celebrated at the Royal Orchid Sheraton Hotel on Sunday June 26th, 2005. The event marks the 138th birthday of Canada and the 16th year the Canadian national day celebration has been held in Bangkok.
“We had a sell-out crowd for last year's Canada Day picnic and we expect this year's turnout to be just as strong,” said Rosemary Imlah, Chair of the volunteer Canada Day Committee organising the event. “We look forward to seeing people who have come out for the Canada Day picnic in the past and also welcoming newcomers to the event this year,” she added.
Officially, Canada Day is celebrated on July 1st each year, but the event will be held early in Bangkok so that the festivities can be enjoyed on a weekend. The aim of the annual event is to encourage Canadians and their families, friends, and colleagues of all ages and nationalities, to gather and celebrate Canada Day in a lively atmosphere, with delicious food, exciting games and fantastic camaraderie.
Similar to last year's event, tickets will be sold in advance with no tickets available at the door. Ticket numbers will once again be strictly limited to 500 and, based on past sell-out crowds, it is strongly advised that tickets be purchased well in advance to avoid disappointment.
As in past years, the Canada Day picnic will feature children’s games, tug-of-war, and various sporting activities for adults as well as water sports and competitions played in the Sheraton’s pool. Afternoon activities will be followed by a salmon and beef BBQ buffet dinner, and a host of prizes to be given away to lucky winners.
Tickets are only available through the Thai-Canadian Chamber of Commerce (TCCC). Ticket price includes entry into the event, dinner, and entry in the door and Grand Prize draws. Ticket prices:
Adults 1000 baht
Children (5-12) 500 baht
Children 4 and under free
Reserved Tables of 10 10,000 baht (in advance only; contact TCCC until June 24th)
Tentative schedule:
13:00 doors open
14:00 children’s games
14:30 volleyball tournament & adult games
17:00 greetings and grand prize draw
17:30 dinner
For further information, please contact the Thai-Canadian Chamber of Commerce, 139 Pan Road, Sethiwan Tower, 9th Floor, Tel: 02-266-6085-6, email at or book on-line at
For pictures from last year’s event, please visit the dedicated website:
Tue-14-Jun-05 THE VEGETARIAN CLUB OF PATTAYA - 2nd Tuesday of the month 1800. Cost 99 baht. For further information call: Niels Colov: 01-8154580
Sun-19-Jun-05 Father's Day USA
Tue-21-Jun-05 Longest Day of the year (12hr 53mins in Pattaya)
Mon-04-Jul-05 Independence Day USA, since 1776
Sat-09-Jul-05 Latest sun-down Pattaya 18:47 (Earliest sundown is 19 November)
Tue-12-Jul-05 THE VEGETARIAN CLUB OF PATTAYA - 2nd Tuesday of the month 1800. Cost 99 baht. For further information call: Niels Colov: 01-8154580
Sun-17-Jul-05 Pattaya Queen's Cup Marathon - Bali High Pier
Fri-22-Jul-05 Buddhist lent day
Thu-28-Jul-05 HRH Prince Maha Vajiralongkorn birthday 1952
Saturday - The Pattaya Expats Club - meet every Saturday morning 11:00am (start 11:30), at the "Grand Solé Hotel" (in the Teppraya Room, up on the Mezzanine level), 370 Pattaya 2nd Road (north), near the Tourist Police office. PEC information call (in Thailand) 0 1815 4580.
Saturday - Welsh Society of Pattaya meet each week at 'The Prince of Wales' in Khao Noi 6:00pm. Other nationalities interested in Rugby also welcome. Call 018654382 or website
Saturday - UK Club of Pattaya meet each week at a different location at 1:00pm (1300). Call 038-426098 for venue
Saturday - The PRILL (a classical music trio) will be performing in the Lobby of the Bangkok/Pattaya Hospital 10:30a.m. to mid-day (1030-1200). Performances every 1st Saturday of the month in the Lobby.
Saturday - Free Masons, Lodge Pattaya West Winds. Every 2nd Sat of the month. Call Jon Morgan 012999574
Sunday - The Scandinavian Expats Pattaya - meet 2nd Sun of every month. Call John 015236080 or Per 070833834.
Monday - Rotary Club of Pattaya - meet at Town in Town hotel each Monday from 7:00pm (1900). Contact: 018154580.
Monday - Pattaya Bridge Club. Meets every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 13.00 pm Diana Inn, Second Road, between Soi 11 and 12. Contact
Tuesday - Lions Club of Naklua Pattaya, meet Green Park Hotel 4th Tuesday of the month. Contact Sathawat Senapan 038222288
Tuesday - Rotary Club Eastern Seaboard's weekly luncheon 12.30. Contact Martin Brands for location 0179576476, or see Pattaya Mail newspaper.
Wednesday - Rotary Club of Jomtien-Pattaya, Royal Cliff Grand from 1830. Call Judy Hoppe 099302004
Wednesday - Lions Club of Jomtien - meet at Town in Town hotel each 2nd Wednesday of the month. Call Peter 038303072.
Thursday - Rotary Club of Taksin-Pattaya meet each week at Woodlands Resort 1900. email
Thursday - Lions Club of Pattaya meet each 3rd Thursday of the month at A-One Cruise hotel. Contact Yongwith Kiewthong 038249162
Thursday - Lions Club of Phratamnak meet each 2nd Thursday of the month at A-One Cruise hotel. Contact Surat Permwallop 038421782
Thursday - Computer Club meet at DCO shop Central Road 1600. Contact email
Thursday - Dutch Expats Club meet last Thursday of every month at Dolphin Apartments, Soi 20, South Pattaya Road, email for information
Friday Night - The Pattaya Motorcycle Club meets at the "Old Speckled Hen" pub, Soi 9, Jomtien Beach from 8 p.m. Meet new friends and enjoy "Bike Club Happy Hours" 8 till 10 with 10 baht off all beers and soft drinks and 15 baht off all spirits. New runs to be organized from day trips to the beach to 2, 3 or 4 day tours to?? Contact Martin 09 9909342 or Az 09 9356011
Every Day - Alcoholics Anonymous meet every day of the week 1900 at Soi Skaw Beach. Call Jim 038303285, Craig 019967852, Tony 068403055, Hanns 019849501, Christain (German) 018634581
Every Day - Pattaya Sports Club meets at 3rd Road clubhouse every day 0900-1800. Contact 038361167.
Nordic Society Pattaya - all Nordic citizens welcome. Contact Ingemar 098244997.
Pattaya International Ladies Club (PILC). Coffee mornings & Lunches every month. See Pattaya Mail Newspaper for details. Contact Rita Cromwell for dates & locations 038435579, 098182268, or email
CONTACTS & CONTRIBUTIONS to our weekly E NEWSLETTER. Bernard Leach is the editor of our Club Newsletter, members with NEWS OR ANNOUNCEMENTS should email in by AT THE LATEST WEDNESDAY12 NOON at Club Members seeking advice on practical topics such as Visas, work permits or services needed, please send an email direct to our MC and Open Microphone Forum specialist Brian Maxey at If Brian cannot answer your question from his own knowledge of Pattaya he'll forward on to someone who can. Member's emails on club business and policy issues please send to either Club President, Niels Colov Club Founder & Vice President Pete Mills on or Vice President Richard Ravensdale
ADVANCE SPEAKERS PROGRAMME. Please think of offering the Club a speaker of your choice on a theme you think members may find interesting. Contact Pattaya Expats Club Vice President Richard Ravensdale at with the details.
MEMBERSHIP CARDS. We produce our Club's laminated photo ID cards in just a few minutes at the same Saturday meeting in which you join or renew your membership. So if you are a past Pattaya Expats Club member and you can bring in a past ID card with the words 'Pattaya Expats Club' on you will get a new membership FREE of charge to expire 31 Dec 2005. The cards identify our members to staff at many shops and businesses around Pattaya where Club Members can claim our discounts. There are two membership options one expiring 31 December 2005 for 150 Baht or a Life Membership for 600 Baht. To get a new card please bring in two small driving licence style photos and see Paul Sinclair, Michael Mayne or Denis Laurin
PATTAYA EXPATS CLUB ….ON SOPHON CABLE TV. 5 times each day. Watch Club news during the week. President of the Club, Niels Colov, who is the Chief Executive of 'Pattaya People News Channel' on Sophon Cable, Pattaya City's cable TV operator, has very kindly provided a regular segment of each show, devoted to Pattaya Expats Club news. This is a wonderful regular 'free gift' to our Club of highly valuable TV time! This is a 60 minute local News bulletin five times per day at the following times: On Cable Channel 5 showing at 0800 hrs and 1200 noon.On cable Channel 2 at 1600hrs and 2400 midnight.Plus peak evening bulletin at 2000hrs on Cable Channel 4.(These are the channels which show English language movies on Sophon Cable.)
Wherever you are in the world today, we wish you a great upcoming weekend, and if you are not already enjoying life in Pattaya - then come back soon.
Best wishes from all of us at the Pattaya Expats Club