PEC Meeting Minutes of July 23, 2006
Hi, I'm Brian Maxey. MC at the Sunday meetings of PEC
23 July 2006 – Meeting Manager:- Richard Ravensdale.
Please Note: Our next Sunday Meeting (30 July) will be held in the upper function room, the floor above the usual one – one week only.
Richard has identified another protégé in the ongoing series of ‘Deputy Meeting Manager’. Richard has a very busy ‘life’ outside of Thailand, which means he often needs to be away, sometimes for a few months. The new apprentice is Paul Moore. His solo debut will be in August.
Our main ‘Speakers’ today were Philip O’Shea (, and Tony Valin (, both able to satisfy the need for Medical Insurance for over 65s. they tell us that three people from PEC would qualify as a ‘group’ and obtain favourable advantages. For quotes contact Phil at: 026502759 – 058219646 – email: (phil@ihc,
James Lane (, spoke about the current uncertainty of the ‘Foreign Land Act’ here in Thailand. He readily admits to knowing no more than the rest of us, as far as the outcome is concerned, but had a few suggestions as to ensuring that your current position is safe from a ‘legal’ standpoint. He has connected with a ‘Financial Services Operations’ company, who will vet your current situation (i.e. documents, letters, deeds, etc), and recommend if you need to modify your position with YOUR OWN Lawyer – this service is free of charge! He reiterated the important point of making a WILL under Thai Law. James can also help with the many simple problems experienced when trying to open a Thai Bank Account. James is at: 013987346 (
Open forum questions & information arising from the Meeting:--
One of our many well educated members (David) spoke of a legal tool, similar to a lease contract, where you can derive benefit from something without owning it. Here is his definition: Usufruct Interest (Sidhi-kep-kin) - gives you temporary ownership rights to things on or arising from the land. In practice, a usufruct is limited to a 30-year maximum period; like leases, the agreement can be successively renewed. In contrast to a lease, a usufructury interest can be sold or transferred, although it expires upon the death of the holder of the usufruct and therefore cannot be inherited.
I looked it up in Wikipedia, the free online encyclopaedia. It says: USUFRUCT is the legal right to use and derive profit from property that belongs to another person, as long as the property is not damaged. In many legal systems of property, buyers of property may only purchase the usufruct of the property.
The holder of a usufruct, known as the usufructuary, has the right to use and enjoy the property, as well as the right to receive profits from the fruits of the property. The term fruits should be understood to mean any replenishable commodity on the property, including (among others) actual fruits, livestock, and even rental payments derived from the property. It is suggested as a legal way of using land & house for a limited time, at no cost, without the owner having the right to cancel the agreement.
I have twice visited the meetings of the ‘help’ group using the acronym ‘buddie’ (they were our ‘Speakers’ 9 July). Lynda Crone (US), Roisin & Andrew (N.Ireland) moderate group discussions about – well, almost anything. A different subject is collectively chosen each week for the following week. It’s very relaxed and ‘low-key’, and often entertaining. They meet at The Redemtorist Centre, Sukhumvit Road (km 145) just north of the turn from the top of Central Pattaya Road each Wednesday evening at 7:00pm. Their aim is to help foreigners to settle into the local community by discussing those ‘new’ elements found in Thai life. Ask questions, discuss issues, develop new contacts, and realise that a problem is not necessarily yours alone. For more info call Andrew 097544093. Why not give it a try.
Derrick McCarrick, otherwise known as ‘Roger the Rabbit’, announced his Marathon run has so far raised 150,000 baht through sponsorship for Ban Jing Jai Children’s Home. Well done Derrick!
Someone asked a question about ‘Hearing Aid’ batteries. The Bangkok Pattaya Hospital has a comprehensive Audio Department that checks devices, sells batteries, and checks hearing (open Monday & Friday). Useful websites for cross-reference charts of battery numbers are:
Watch & Calculator battery cross-reference charts can be viewed at:
Please tell us if you have found a good ‘Health-Food’ store in Pattaya.
Tommy of ‘Super Consultants’ (a PEC Sponsor) has opened a store in Tuk-Com Centre (the computer mall in South Pattaya Road) selling a range of electronic items. It is on the 2nd floor. 016220128 (
Thai language is taught either in a small class or one-on-one. North Star Library on Sukhumvit Rd runs group Thai lessons for farangs. Monday and Thursday mornings from 10.15am till about 12.30. The cost is 100 baht per day for non library members and 50 baht for members. The first hour is taken by the English teacher from the school next door and the second hour is conversation practice taken by a Thai lady who speaks no English. Its difficult but fun! Call 038716755. - Alternatively Khun Choo teaches Thai or English on a one-to-one basis. 017533612
Tony Waltham writes in the Bangkok Post: When learning Thai, it is best to master the alphabet and how to read and to write it. This helps learners to understand a little better how the tones work and to be able to read posters, road signs and menus (at the very least), while the subliminal reinforcement from understanding Thai text certainly helps as well. Going one-on-one with a good teacher is always best, which allows both teacher and student to move at the same pace, but there is another way: the e-learning approach. Computers (and the Internet) are infinitely patient and another big advantage with our site of the week today is that it is free. Teachthai has been developed for the Ministry of Education's Non-Formal Education Promotion Center for Special Target Groups by Progress Information, a company in the Loxley group. The course is aimed at Thai youngsters overseas and other interested foreigners, with learners expected "to learn the Thai consonants, vowels, tone marks and numbers, both in pronunciation and writing practice" and "to learn how Thai words are constructed and also to learn their meaning and usage".
What do you do to prepare for your Death in Pattaya? A question you may not want to think of, but one we are often asked. Write a letter stating your wishes as to your ‘remains’, the contact details of any ‘Home Country’ family you wish to be notified, the source of enough funds to carry out your wishes, and get it witnessed by two independent people (not family members). OR, include these details in a Will made under Thai Law. You should state whether you wish your body to be repatriated to another country, or given a local traditional funeral. Remember, repatriation will be expensive, and if you do not state your wishes the British Embassy will ask your ‘Next of Kin’ to decide, and pay for the funeral.
Incidentally most Embassies have a ‘registration’ process which asks for your details here in Thailand, and your ‘Home Country’. A very good idea. Visit your Embassy’s website for further information.
Barry Kenyon is the British Embassy local representative for emergencies. His contact is 017827363. Barry can authenticate your UK pension for Immigration purposes if you can show proof. UK bank statements can be dealt with similarly.
Gary Hacker is the US Embassy local representative for emergencies. His contact is 098030388.
Please help our Meeting organisers by suggesting ‘Speakers’ for our weekly (Sunday) Meetings. Tell us a subject you wish to hear of by suggesting a competent speaker. There are vacancies from August onwards. Please come up with some ideas and contact Richard our current Speakers Manager. Give him your suggestions and let him arrange the details. Please do not fix dates in advance.
Contact: Richard Ravensdale 04 135 7010 (
The PEC golf group’s Monthly Golf Tournament for August is being planned. More info on this event is available from Pattaya People Office (Soi Day Night), Globetrotter (just off Soi 7), and of course PEC Club meetings on Sunday, or contact Ossi Viljanen on 018519620, ( These events are popular and fill up quickly, so sign-up early to avoid disappointment. If you need to rent a Golf Cart call Ossi soon.
New Time: The Sunday Golf Driving Practice (with free tuition from Ossi Viljanen for PEC members) now runs from 0830 (8:30am) to 0930 (9:30am) at the usual location on Sukhumvit Road just across from Central Pattaya Road – Pride Driving Range. This is to allow members to attend the PEC new Meeting time of Sundays at 10:30am (program start 11:30). High Handicap players welcome!
The German Speaking Group of the Pattaya Expats Club also hold their meetings on a Sunday at 9:30am. They usually meet adjacent to the International Meeting, on the 1st & 3rd Sunday of the month. Next meetings are 6 & 20 August. Contact Erwin Schlottmann, 061509478, email: (
Für Anfragen, Anregungen und Kritiken, wenden sie sich bitte an unseren - Erwin Schlottmann.
Fri-28-Jul-06 HRH Prince Maha Vajiralongkorn (2) (eldest son of King of Thailand) 1952
Tue-08-Aug-06 THE VEGETARIAN CLUB OF PATTAYA - 2nd Tuesday of the month 1800. Cost 99 baht. For further information call: Niels Colov: 01-8154580
Sat-12-Aug-06 Her Majesty Queen Sirikit Birthday (a national holiday is declared for Monday 14th)
Mon-28-Aug-06 UK Bank Holiday 2006
Why not come along next Sunday morning 10:30am (11:30 program start) to the Grand Solé Hotel (in the Theppraya Room, up on the Mezzanine level), 370 Pattaya 2nd Road (north), near the Pattaya Mail Office. Hotel tel: 038427555 Fax: 038427550. Half way between TOPS supermarket & BIG-C supermarket - bring a friend.
For location - link to:
See you soon, MC, Brian.
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